Source code for apachelogs.parser

import re
import attr
from pydicti import dicti
from .directives import format2regex
from .errors import InvalidEntryError
from .timeutil import assemble_datetime

# The parameterized directives corresponding to the following `dict` attributes
# all look up their parameters case-insensitively (either because Apache stores
# the corresponding data in a case-insensitive dictionary structure or (in the
# case of 'cookies') because Apache parses the relevant header
# case-insensitively).  As a result, we want to store the directive values in
# case-insensitive `dict`s.

[docs] @attr.s class LogParser: """ A class for parsing Apache access log entries in a given log format. Instantiate with a log format string, and then use the `~LogParser.parse()` and/or `~LogParser.parse_lines()` methods to parse log entries in that format. :param str format: an Apache log format :param str encoding: The encoding to use for decoding certain strings in log entries (see :ref:`directives`); defaults to ``'iso-8859-1'``. Set to ``'bytes'`` to cause the strings to be returned as `bytes` values instead of `str`. :param str errors: the error handling scheme to use when decoding; defaults to ``'strict'`` :raises InvalidDirectiveError: if an invalid directive occurs in ``format`` :raises UnknownDirectiveError: if an unknown directive occurs in ``format`` """ format = attr.ib() # noqa: A003 encoding = attr.ib(default="iso-8859-1") errors = attr.ib(default=None) def __attrs_post_init__(self): self._group_defs, self._rgx = format2regex(self.format) self._rgx = re.compile(self._rgx)
[docs] def parse(self, entry): """ Parse an access log entry according to the log format and return a `LogEntry` object. :param str entry: an access log entry to parse :rtype: LogEntry :raises InvalidEntryError: if ``entry`` does not match the log format """ entry = entry.rstrip("\r\n") m = self._rgx.fullmatch(entry) if not m: raise InvalidEntryError(entry, self.format) groups = [conv(gr) for (_, _, conv), gr in zip(self._group_defs, m.groups())] if self.encoding != "bytes": groups = [ ( gr.decode(self.encoding, self.errors or "strict") if isinstance(gr, bytes) else gr ) for gr in groups ] return LogEntry( entry, self.format, [gdef[:2] for gdef in self._group_defs], groups, )
[docs] def parse_lines(self, entries, ignore_invalid=False): r""" Parse the elements in an iterable of access log entries (e.g., an open text file handle) and return a generator of `LogEntry`\s. If ``ignore_invalid`` is `True`, any entries that do not match the log format will be silently discarded; otherwise, such an entry will cause an `InvalidEntryError` to be raised. :param entries: an iterable of `str` :param bool ignore_invalid: whether to silently discard entries that do not match the log format :rtype: `LogEntry` generator :raises InvalidEntryError: if an element of ``entries`` does not match the log format and ``ignore_invalid`` is `False` """ for e in entries: try: yield self.parse(e) except InvalidEntryError: if not ignore_invalid: raise
[docs] class LogEntry: """ A parsed Apache access log entry. The value associated with each directive in the log format is stored as an attribute on the `LogEntry` object; for example, if the log format contains a ``%s`` directive, the `LogEntry` for a parsed entry will have a ``status`` attribute containing the status value from the entry as an `int`. See :ref:`directives` for the attribute names & types of each directive supported by this library. If the log format contains two or more directives that are stored in the same attribute (e.g., ``%D`` and ``%{us}T``), the given attribute will contain the first non-`None` directive value. The values of date & time directives are stored in a ``request_time_fields: dict`` attribute. If this `dict` contains enough information to assemble a complete (possibly naïve) `datetime.datetime`, then the `LogEntry` will have a ``request_time`` attribute equal to that `datetime.datetime`. """ def __init__(self, entry, format, group_names, groups): # noqa: A002 #: The original logfile entry with trailing newlines removed self.entry = entry #: The entry's log format string self.format = format #: .. versionadded:: 0.3.0 #: #: A `dict` mapping individual log format directives (e.g., ``"%h"`` or #: ``"%<s"``) to their corresponding values from the log entry. #: ``%{*}t`` directives with multiple subdirectives (e.g., #: ``%{%Y-%m-%d}t``) are broken up into one entry per subdirective (For #: ``%{%Y-%m-%d}t``, this would become the three keys ``"%{%Y}t"``, #: ``"%{%m}t"``, and ``"%{%d}t"``). This attribute provides an #: alternative means of looking up directive values besides using the #: named attributes. self.directives = {} for (k, drct), v in zip(group_names, groups): d = self.__dict__ if isinstance(k, tuple): for i, k2 in enumerate(k[:-1]): if i == 0 and k2 in NOCASEDICTS: subd = dicti() else: subd = {} d = d.setdefault(k2, subd) k = k[-1] if d.get(k) is None: d[k] = v # else: Assume d[k] == v self.directives[drct] = v for prefix in ("original_", "", "final_"): for midfix in ("begin_", "", "end_"): target = prefix + midfix + "request_time" if getattr(self, target + "_fields", None): setattr( self, target, assemble_datetime(getattr(self, target + "_fields")), ) def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, LogEntry): return vars(self) == vars(other) else: return NotImplemented